
What is the net value of the fund

The net value of fund units is the net asset value of each fund unit, which is equal to the balance of the total assets of the fund minus the total liabilities divided by the total number of units issued by the fund. The subscription and redemption of open-ended funds are carried out at this price. The transaction price of closed-end funds is the market price that has been confirmed at the time of transaction; In contrast, the unit transaction price of open-ended funds depends on the net asset value of unit funds that are not known at the time of subscription and redemption (but can be calculated after the market closes on the day and announced on the next trading day).

Sep 17, 2024

What Is a Fund Subscription

A fund subscription is the process by which an investor purchases units in an open-ended fund during the fund's offering period, before the fund has been established.

Sep 16, 2024

The Difference Between Restricted Shares And Stock Options

The differences between stock options and restricted stock lie in four areas: symmetry of rights and obligations, symmetry of rewards and penalties, waiting period versus confinement period and exercise price versus grant price.

Sep 15, 2024
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