What is an option?
An option means that the buyer has the right to choose to buy or sell the agreed asset at the strike price at the agreed time in the future, and the seller of the option must assume the obligation to perform when the buyer chooses to exercise.
How To Deal With The Risks Of Hedge Funds?
Investment risk has become an obstacle for more and more investors who are hesitant to invest in the market, so today's fund class will introduce you to a type of fund that is designed to hedge risk.
What are the properties of options
For investors, options have brought new risk management solutions. For traders, options have opened a new trading field. Therefore, understanding the characteristics of options is an important topic. To this end, Haitong Futures and Options Department specially summarized several characteristics of options, and shared them as follows:
Holding To The Bottom And Not Being Able To Hold
A common weakness of small and medium-sized retail investors is that they are able to hold to the bottom in bear markets but not to the top in bull markets. For example, in the previous bear market, a large proportion of stockholders got to a low of 998 points from a high of 2245 points.
The Essence Of Safe Futures Speculation: Trading Rules
Trading in the fast-moving futures market is like driving on a highway, with the floating profits and losses of your account going straight up and down, sometimes so fast that you are overwhelmed.
Delta And Delta Risk of Options
When the price of the underlying falls, the call option loses value, but by how much? This discussion brings us to today's topic of option delta risk.
ntroduction To The Development Of The Global Options Market
Early options trading in the US began in 1872, founded by the then famous financier Russell, and at that time included call and put options, the market was always OTC and required trading through brokers.
Introduction To The BSM Option Pricing Mode
In this issue, Haitong Futures Options Department brings you an introduction to the BSM (Black-Scholes-Morton) model.
What Are Government Bonds?
Government bonds are debt instruments issued by the government to fundraise and promise to pay interest and repay principal over a certain period of time, specifically including state bonds, i.e., central government bonds, local government bonds and government guaranteed bonds, the most important of which are government bonds.
The Basic Components Of The Gold Market
The gold market is a place for gold producers and suppliers to trade with demanders.